Director / Photographer

Satoshi Watanabe

  • 渡邊哲
    映像監督 / 撮影監督 / 写真家 / 文化服装学院特別講師 / hoth inc.代表取締役

    2015年、DRAWING AND MANUALに参加したのち、2021年にhoth株式会社設立。

    受賞歴 :
    ・第15回 ヴェネツィア・ビエンナーレ特別賞
     ‘21 ACC フィルム部門 Aカテゴリー(テレビCM)ゴールド賞 & ディレクター賞  ヤマトグループ 企業広告

    Satoshi Watanabe
    Film director, Director of Photography, Photographer, Special temporary lecturer of Bunka Fashion Collage, hoth inc. CEO

    After graduating from Ritsumeikan University, he worked at The 77 Bank, Ltd. before moving into
    the video industry.
    After joining DRAWING AND MANUAL in 2015, he established hoth Inc. in 2021.
    In addition to working on commercials and music videos in a variety of genres,
    he is also active as a photographer in a wide range of fields, including advertising, fashion magazines,
    CD jackets, and artist photography.
    He has also participated in many works as a director of photography.

    Award :
    ・Special Mention at Biennale di Venezia in 2016
    ・2021 61st ACC TOKYO CREATIVITY AWARDS FILM A(TVC) GOLD and CRAFT DIRECTOR AWARDS for “At the cafe” “Grandmother and her prescriptions” “A new father” by Yamato Transport Co., Ltd.

    Website :